A Preview of the Great Farm Race!

May 8, 2013

The Great Farm Race is one of Play Works' original games that has been a spectacular hit for team building groups here in Tagaytay's Gratchi's Getaway. With the right amount of Physical acitivities, Mental challenges, and Creativity, this event is perfect for a wide array of  guests ranging from the young to the young at hearts.

Playworks' co-founder Mr. Geoffrey Nuval developed this epic challenge based on some of the games he hiimself experienced during his college days at Stanford University.  Over an area of 2 hectares, teams must use clues to find different stations designed to highlight certain team dynamics.  These include:  emerging as a leader, sacrifice and taking one for the team, unity and team coordination to accomplish a task, and striking a balance between quality and quantity. 


The picture above, shows the blue team trying to accomplish the Unity Walk. The  main concept of this challenge is similar to the phrase "Light as a Feather. Everything if done correctly and done as a team can be be as light as a feather."

Finishing strong is the Red team, with their shirts off and ready to celebrate with some refreshments.